Thursday, April 29, 2010

Notice all the wood on the floor outside of the bus? Ben, the owner, drove this bus back from the east to have Charlie work on it. He has a Prevost bus, but, I think he's selling it, he'd rather own a vintage bus from the '50's. He tore all the cabinetry out of it and when Charlie gets it running, he's going to take it up to Canada to a guy who does vintage interiors on RV's. I can't wait to see it when it's finally finished, I know it's going to look beautiful.

Anyway, when we got there, Ron called Charlie to see if he wanted us to park in the bus barn or not. Well, as you can see, we couldn't, because of the wood in the way, so Ron took all of that out and put it on the trailer outside so we could park inside. The cabinetry he took out was pretty nice, so guess Charlie is keeping some of it to put in his bus.

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