Our scenery starting out was not that great, as we passed by a slag heap, testimony to the old days of mining. I read in an article in the lobby that Phelps/Dodge bought the whole thing for 6.5 million dollars because the newer technologies can get at the minor metals. They figure they can make 50 million dollars from those metals. I must say, looking at that is a real blight on the landscape..
I was just going to mention, if you noticed my layout is a bit different, it's thanks to Donna Huffer, who showed me that I can manipulate my pictures where I want them. I didn't know that, I didn't think I had a choice where they were placed. I like the way it looks now. I also changed the background from what it was.
This second picture was higher than our heads, higher than the train going by it. It would be real nice if they could move the whole mess somewhere else, while they're at it..
the very first thing we saw, after the slag heap was a couple of Indian
ruins high up in the cliffs. Considering they weren't protected by any
national park or anything, they were in pretty good shape...