Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hi everyone, yes, I know, it's been awhile since I last posted. Sorry about that, just procrastinating...when I last posted, the bus rally was just getting started. We had such a good time, meeting new members & seeing different buses. A great time was planned by the rally hosts & I think everyone would agree, they did a great job of keeping us entertained. We had a couple contests going on, one was a word game, which I didn't do too well at, and the other one, I thought I'd never get anything for it. Some of the members, including Ron & I, had sent in baby pictures of ourselves, plus a picture of what we looked like now. I was going to show you the pictures, but, it's not big enough for you to see us clearly..darn, that would have been fun...anyway, I actually won a prize for that game, which I was surprised about, because most of those people I never even knew before until I met them this trip. Everything was done up 50's style & some of the decorations were just so unique! We had a parade of buses through town on Saturday morning. Ron decided I would drive the bus, which was okay by me. We had a total of 30 buses in the parade, because some of the buses stayed in the campground. It was great, I blasted the horn a lot & waved at everybody, the townspeople were lining the street of the downtown & the park on the corner. Some of the older residents, who were living in a rest home in town, even got to see some of the buses and I'm sure this day was the highlight of their week! After we got back from the parade, the townspeople had been invited to come look at our rigs to see what we'd done to them. This happens every two years and I was glad that with our group alone, there were four new buses taking part and we met a few more people who had never been to the rally who were either looking for a bus or had just bought one.

I was glad to find out that my Verizon air card worked perfectly, in fact, Verizon was the only phone that worked in that campground. Of course, even though I had great coverage, I still didn't update the blog....

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