Saturday, September 26, 2009

I'm going to try and post some more pictures tomorrow, before we leave here, of the fish fry we had today. Ron actually got to go out on the water with Jere, before the motor got fouled by the water plants. I was telling them wouldn't it be nice if they made a giant water tractor with a cultivator or something on the back that could lift up all those plants out of the water to get rid of them, so they could see clear water again. Jere told us about ten years ago, all the water was perfectly clear. In the old days, the oil guys had come in there and had been running oil pipes out to get the oil out and were constantly pumping the water. So, ten years ago, most of the oil was gone by then, but, everything was still in place. The EPA came in and told the oil companies they had to clean up their mess and take all the oil tanks out and after they did that and cleaned the dirt about 10 feet deeper than the oil had been, then, the water hyacinths came in and took it all over and now they are extreme pests. Even though it looks pretty with all the flowers, it's getting harder and harder to get the boats out to the main channels of the lake or bayou as they call it here.

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